“and he said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. ‘As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.’ After saying this he breathed on them and said: Receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20: 21-22 Daily Health Check
Friday, April 22, 2022
Dear Families,
Happy Easter dear Families! He is truly risen! The next few weeks are sure to fly by as we head to June.
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus commissions His disciples by sending the Holy Spirit and to go forth. We are those disciples, we are being sent forth to share God’s word and proclaim His Kingdom with the Holy Spirit within us. Though Jesus leaves the earth physically, He promises that we will not be alone in the journey.
Our Grade Sevens are getting ready to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in June and they are learning about the responsibility of this gift. My hope is that they see this as a blessing and eagerly share their knowledge with you at home.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca

Celtics Day- April 29
Have you ever wondered what you want to be when you grow up? We invite students to come to school on Friday, April 29 dressed in their dream vocation outfit! Will you be a chef, a doctor or a nurse, a plumber, a firefighter, ballerina or a religious? What will you be when you grow up? Bring a dollar to donate to our charity of the month.
If you are not participating on Job Fair Day, please come in your uniform.
Parent Evening- May 5
We have our third and final parent evening on May 5. Our speaker is Sister John Mary. She will address topics in the curriculum about sexuality and your child. This is mandatory for our Grade 4-7 families. This meeting will be conducted on Zoom at 6:30. Please see the link below. Remember to sign in using your family last name so our moderator can allow you access to the session.
If you have any questions you would like to ask, a moderator will be monitoring the chat during the discussion.
St. Patrick’s School is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Parent Evening with Sister John Mary
Time: May 5, 2022 06:30 PM Vancouver
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 947 4224 6840
Passcode: Celtics
Liturgical Choir Practice
- Lunch recess – April 27, May 4 – Grade 5,6,7
- Friday May 6 @ 8:15am – Grade 5,6,7
- Lunch recess May 11,18 – Grade 3,4
Fundraiser- Spring Photos May 7
One day only! Just in time for Mother’s Day!
A sign up link will be sent next week

Talent show sign up
Next week, students in Grade 4-7 will be able to sign up to audition for the Talent Show. Auditions will be held May 9-13 at lunch or after school.
Students can only be in one act. The acts can be a maximum of 90 seconds. Song lyrics must be approved by the staff.
A Message from Cambridge
Cambridge Uniform Store is open and our team is excited to assist your family with their uniforms should you require in-person fittings.
Your school is serviced from our Dollarton Highway location: #112-2455 Dollarton Highway, North Vancouver.
You are welcome to drop in on a first come first served basis. Potential wait times may occur as there is a limited store capacity. The store is open Monday-Saturday from 10:00am-5:30pm
As an added incentive to order uniforms before June 15th we are happy to provide a 5% discount for online orders placed between May 1, 2022 to May 21, 2022 and free shipping over $150.00. There is no discount for orders placed in the store.
See the file below for further information. pdf SPMR.pdf Download 634.8 KB
Summer Uniform– Starting May 1st
Starting May 1st students can wear the optional summer uniform in place of their regular uniform.
● Navy blue shorts
● Crested white polo shirt
● Navy blue or black socks, above the ankle – no white socks/other coloured socks permitted
● All black leather shoes
● School Skort
● Crested white polo shirt
● St. Patrick’s School sweater
● Knee high navy blue socks or tights – no white socks/other coloured socks permitted
● All black leather shoes (heel not to exceed 1 inch)
Gym strip is still acceptable on PE days.
PLEASE NOTE THAT CREWNECKS ARE NOT PERMITTED ON REGULAR UNIFORM DAYS. Students in K- Gr 6 should still have green sweaters.
Morning Rosary Group
We have a small group of parents who meet in the church every Monday at 8:45am to pray the rosary for the needs of our community. Please come and join in!
Just a correction on our calendar. The last day of school is on June 28 and dismissal is at 10:30 (not noon). Parents are invited to come to mass and then to enjoy some beverages until students are dismissed at 10:30. There is no Celtics Club on the last day of school.
We will have our final assembly on June 27 and parents are invited to attend. Time TBD.
School Life in Photos
Our Student Leadership Team planned an Easter egg hunt for each class!
Grade Three class recycling materials to create art for Earth Day.

Upcoming Events:
27: Hot Lunch – Los Takos
29: Celtics Day
05: Parent Evening with Sister John Mary
06: School Mass (5A)
09: SJB Track Meet in Abbotsford (by invitation)
17: OLA Track Meet in Coquitlam (by invitation)
20: Pro D Day- No School
23: Victoria Day- No School
24: PEC Meeting
26: Celtics Day
27: School Mass (5B)
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