Living, Celebrating, and Proclaiming Our Faith
Friday, May 24, 2024
We are back in Ordinary Time in our liturgical year but in our faith life, ordinary does not mean boring or humdrum. This time gives us an opportunity to reflect on God’s word and our call to be missionary disciples. Let us continue to ask for guidance and wisdom to heed His call!
Here is a Novena to pray during Ordinary time:

Join in praying the Novena for Ordinary Time!
Grade Two First Holy Communion
Today, our Grade Two class participated in a retreat in preparation for their First Holy Communion. Thank you to Mrs. Wagg and Mrs. Zochowski for leading the retreat. The FHC mass will take place on June 2nd at 4:30 pm. It will also be live-streamed.
Thank you
Thank you, Father Matthew, for presiding over Confirmation and for your continued support of our students. A big thank you to Mrs. Geary, Ms. Molina, Mrs. Roth and the staff who helped prepare our Grade 7s for the sacrament of Confirmation! Thank you to the parish staff for all the preparations, especially Mrs. Steele, Mrs. Zochowski and Mrs. Powell. We also appreciate all the Grade Two parents who came for set up, serving and clean up! Many hands make the work light.
CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR CONFIRMANDS! What a wonderful celebration it was!
Fun Day
Fun Day is on June 14! It is a celebration of our year and a great way for the community to be together! Please note it is a NOON DISMISSAL. There is no Celtics Club on that afternoon.
Celtics Day- May 31
This Friday is vacation and tourist day. You can come in fun tropical wear, and accessories. Please bring a dollar for the children’s hospital. You can come dressed in your favorite touristy clothes.
Be creative! No bathing suits please.
Flowers for Mary
It’s our last week for flowers for Mary. We invite families to bring flowers for our Mother Mary in front of the school office. We ask that you please REFRAIN FROM BRINGING LILIES due to allergies.
Last names starting with:
Mon. May 27th: S – Z

Reminder of Early Dismissals– Take Note
June 14– Noon dismissal (Fun Day)
June 26- 10:30 am Dismissal (Last Day!)
– We will have School Mass and farewell with their teachers before dismissal.
Parent Participation Tasks
If you are IN NEED OF HOURS, please check your portal to sign up.
We need parent Supervisors at lunchtime between 12:00 and 12:30 pm and Traffic Control after school. We also require cleaning crews on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:00 – 7:30 pm.
Choir Practices
Please click on the link for a full schedule:
Upcoming Events:
28: Ready Set Learn (for incoming Kindergarten class)
29: FHC Practice (Gr 2)- 7 pm
31: Celtics Day
2: First Holy Communion (4:30 pm)
4: Music Showcase- 2 pm
5: CISVA Track Meet Day 1
7: School Mass
10: Pro D Day- No School
12: CISVA Track Meet Day 2 (invite only)
21: Step Up Day– Grade 7 Dismissal at NOON
21: Grade 7 Farewell Evening
25: Final Assembly- 2:00 pm
26: Last Day, School Mass- 10:30 pick up
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