Celtics Chatter, Friday, September 1, 2023

Living, Celebrating, and Proclaiming Our Faith

Friday, September 1, 2023

Dear Families,

Welcome to our new school year together! The building has been abuzz with activities to prepare for the students return. Our staff attended a Faith Formation Pro D this week, and we did a workshop and team building another day. What a great reminder that we have a wonderful group of educators at St. Patrick’s!

Please help me welcome Mrs. Piccirilli to our support team. We also welcome Mrs. Powell to our staff. She will be teaching primary C.G.S. and Learning Support.

Holy Grounds will be open on Tuesday, so please pop in and enjoy delicious coffee after dropping your child off at school!

Have a blessed weekend!

Mrs. Maria Fonseca



Meet the Staff at the Parish Festival Saturday Sept. 9th

This year, we have rolled “Meet the Staff Night” with the “Parish Festival”. This event will give you an opportunity to celebrate as a community, as well as meet the school staff. There will be an Open House in the school from 6:30-7:30 pm. Staff Members will be in their classrooms to meet you and answer any questions you may have. There will be a B.B.Q., games, prizes and lots of fun for the whole family! The Parish Festival starts at 6:00 p.m., and the school will open at 6:30 p.m.

Hope to see you all there!

Staff List

Pastor: Father Matthew To

Principal: Mrs. Fonseca

Vice Principal: Mr. Geary

Office Administrator: Mrs. Rieu

Head Teacher & Kindergarten: Mrs. Prinster

Grade 1: Mrs. Cheng

Grade 2: Mrs. Wagg

Grade 3: Ms. Schroeder / Ms. McBride

Grade 4: Mrs. Newill

Grade 5: Mr. Geary

Grade 6: Mr. Brooks

Grade 7: Mrs. Geary

Grade 7: Ms. Molina

Learning Support: Mrs. Kravjanski

Learning Support: Mrs. Stradeski

Music: Mrs. Boronco

P.E.: Mrs. Murphy

C.G.S.: Mrs. Zochowski

C.G.S./Learning Support: Mrs. Powell

French: Ms. McBride

Support Staff:

Mr. Archer, Mrs. Baldwin, Mrs. Di Cicco, Mrs. Eskut, Mrs. Hachulla, Ms. Koverchuk, Mrs. Roth, Mrs. Tomic, Mrs. Barbosa, Mrs. Toner & Mrs. Williamson

Maintenance: Mr. & Mrs. Antoniak

Celtics Club: Mrs. Cavalli

Used Uniform Sale – Tuesday, Sept. 5th

Used Uniform Sale on the first day!

Sept. 5th from 10:45 am to 12:15 pm in the covered walkway.

We are not collecting uniform pieces at this time.

We will let you know future dates.

Drop Off & Pick Up Reminders


  1. In the morning, parents are welcome to drop students off in the designated drop-off area.
  2. The drop-off area is meant as an area to stop the vehicle in order to let the children out. The driver should never get out of the car, as this holds up the process.
  3. When pulling up at the drop-off area, drive as far ahead as possible to allow the cars behind to pull up as well.
  4. Never let your child out of the vehicle before you have reached the designated drop-off area. Dropping off before this area causes frustration and slows traffic, but most importantly, it is a safety concern.
  5. A parent supervisor will be present to make sure the drop-off area rules are followed. Following their directions will create a safer and quicker drop-off area.
  6. The gates at Edge St. are closed in the morning. You may enter and exit using the entrance and exits off 121st Avenue.


  1. Please follow the same procedures as in the morning. Parents who wish to leave the car to come and pick up their children from the blacktop area must park in the parish parking lot behind the church and parish centre.
  2. Parking in front of the Parish centre is not permitted.
  3. Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds without the school’s permission. If you have made alternate arrangements with your child(ren) for pick up, kindly inform the school.
  4. Students are dismissed from their class lineups. Parents may wish to allow their children to play on the playground after they are collected from their teachers.
  5. Please ensure that if someone else is picking up your child(ren), you let the office know ahead of time and ensure that you have explained the procedures to them.

Parent Participation Information – Coming Soon!

We are in the process of onboarding with OnVolunteers. We are finishing our training next week. Once it is ready, you will receive an email with your login information. This will allow you to track your hours as the year progresses. You will also receive notifications when volunteer opportunities arise, get messages from our coordinators, and be notified of fees for incomplete hours.

Just a reminder that each family needs to complete 50 parent participation hours. There will be many opportunities to complete these, such as helping out at events, cleaning and maintenance work, classroom tasks, supervision, coaching, chaperoning on field trips, and much more.

Through this portal, you will be able to see how many hours you need to complete and the monetary equivalent. It is $1250.00for the year, which works out to $25.00 per hour.

If you have opted to pay the fees for the year, you will still receive a login, but you will not need to do anything with it as the system will recognize that your parent participation requirements are fulfilled.

Here is the link with the link to the FAQ sent out at the beginning of the summer: https://www.smore.com/6k3ur

Terry Fox Assembly & Walk – Friday, Sept. 15th 2023

We are participating in the Terry Fox Walk at school. Our Gr. 4’s will lead the assembly at 2:00 p.m., and then the students will walk around the school grounds. Parents are welcome to come and join us. As there is no Mass on that Friday, students will wear their gym strip.

Upcoming Events:


05: First Day of School – NOON DISMISSAL

08: School Mass

09: Parish Festival/Meet the Staff Night – 6:00 pm

15: Terry Fox Run/Assembly – 2:00 pm

20: Individual Photo Day

25: Pro D Day – NO SCHOOL

29: School Mass (Gr. 7G) – FOOD BANK DONATIONS



Mom of Ty & Joey.

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