The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is close at hand. Repent, and believe the gospel.’Mark 1: 15
Dear Families,
Lent is a time for prayer, fasting and almsgiving. These are the three pillars of Lent that have been instilled in me and I have taught in my classroom for years. There’s even a song I sang with my students as a reminder of what we are asked to do for Lent (to the tune of Frere Jacques)
Prayer, Fasting & Almsgiving, We are meant to repent.
Forty days of sacrifice, prayerful and extra nice.
This is Lent. This is Lent.
This year, as I was preparing myself for Lent, I read a great article that added three more attributes: thank, serve and reflect. This really spoke to me. Often thankfulness is highlighted around Thanksgiving and even Christmas. I don’t really connect it with Lent but during this solemn time and even in grief, there is so much to be thankful for. Being thankful is a way of life and it can open us to better experience the blessings in our lives.
Service to others is what we are called to, especially to be of service for our brothers and sisters who need us the most. God values everyone equally as we are all made in his image. Through our actions towards others, we are experiencing and sharing His love.
Finally reflect, this can be added to the pillar of prayer. We can pray to help lead us to change for better and to reflect of what is most important in our lives. We can recommit ourselves to God and to continue the journey beyond Lent.
May the season bring you closer to our Lord.
Yours In Christ,
Mrs. Maria Fonseca
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Shrove Tuesday Thank you to the Knights of Columbus and the volunteers who helped make pancakes. | Happy 100th Day! We hope to look this fabulous when we get to be 100! |
What’s New?
Student Reflections
Student Reflections are going home today. Please keep this for your files.
The parent feedback form needs to be filled out and returned. It will be added to your child’s student files.
Lost & Found
We have accumulated a lot of items in our lost & found. Students have been asked to look at all the items to claim anything that is theirs. All remaining lost &found items will be placed outside on Wednesday the 24th after school. Any items left behind will be donated.
Photos in the Newsletter
We have received inquiries about photos specifically in the newsletters. We have started putting photos of events in the school newsletter to give families a glimpse of what is happening at school. We are aware of parents’ wishes that their children’s pictures not be included on social media or material distributed online. The permission is given through one of the sheets in the registration forms. If you have not given permission for your child to be included in the photos, we will ensure to crop them out or not include those photos. If you have any concerns or questions, please email Mrs. Fonseca.
2021-2022 In-House Registration
Please remember to hand in your registrations promptly to ensure your spot for the next school year.
Return Dates
Current Families: All forms are due today!
New Families: February 24th – In person drop off from 9:00-11:30am
5:00 – 6:30pm or by appointment during office hours (11:30am – 4pm)
Tours are available by appointment only.
Virtual Scholastic Book Sale
We are hosting a Virtual Scholastic Book Sale on March 5th -12th. The link to view the books is now available. A flyer will be sent home with your child today. Any funds raised will go directly towards our library.
Thank you to Mrs. Wagg, Mrs. Watkins and all the library parent volunteers for their work! Campaign page for Virtual Bookfair
Used Uniform Sale
St. Patrick’s School will host an outdoor Used Uniform Sale on Thursday Feb. 25th from 2:00 – 3:30pm. CASH or CHEQUES only.
If you have items you wish to sell or donate; parents can drop items on Monday, February. 23rd in Ziplock bags with family name, item size & a reasonable price marked on the bag. If you do not label the item we will assume you are donating it to the school.
Place bagged items in the marked contatiner in the covered walk-thru between the gym and the school office.
For more information contact Mrs. Sarah Tuck at her email: [email protected]
Congratulations to Gianna and Vanessa in Mrs. Newill’s Grade 4 class who
both entered their short-story and poetry in the Polar Expressions
Publishing 15th Annual Student Poetry and/or Short Story Contest. Both of
their short-story and poetry entries have been selected in the first round of
judging! This means that their work will be published and they will compete
in the final round to be considered for one of the three prizes being
awarded for their grade level.
Polar Expressions Publishing provides an opportunity for the very talented
and creative youth in Canada to showcase their writing and compare it with
peers across the country. Good luck to Gianna and Vanessa in the final
round. We are very proud of you!

Please visit the school website to see the current fundraisers! We appreciate all your support!
March 5th – ONLINE ZOOM BINGO & LIVE AUCTION (Parking Spots, Principal for a Day, Hot Lunch for a year and much more!)
March 13th – Last day for Purdy’s Chocolate orders – please follow the link on the schoolwebsite to place your order. Fundraising | St. Patrick’s School
Week In a Glance
Tues. Feb.23rd – PEC Meeting
Wed. Feb. 24th – Celtics Day – Wear Bright Colours for Kindness Awareness
Wed. Feb. 24th – Adoration & Benediction at 11:30
Wed. Feb. 24th – New Registrations 9:00 -11:30 am and 5:00 – 6:30pm
Thurs. Feb. 25th – First Group of Students for First Reconciliation (6:00pm-7:30pm)
Fri. Feb. 26th pdf DAILY HEALTH CHECK UPDATED.pdf Download 101.8 KB
Important Dates:
Feb. 19th: Registration packages – Due today
Feb. 24th: Registration packages – New families DUE
Feb. 24th: Celtics Day – Wear bright colours – Kindness Awareness
Mar. 5th: School Mass 9:15
Mar. 12th: Report cards go home
Mar. 12th: Celtics Day – St. Patrick’s Colours!
Mar. 15-26th: Spring Break
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